Education First

While I acknowledge that the Board of Supervisors has very little power over the education system, I firmly believe that every San Franciscan is entitled to a public education, and that it should be the very best education available. It’s time to stop neglecting our education system.

  • Restore and extend merit-based admissions. I believe that education is a right, and that every student is entitled to the best possible education that is justified by their academic performance and commitment to excellence. This means defending merit-based admissions to ensure our best and brightest students have a shot at the best-possible education. The redistributive approach to education fails our high-achieving students and eliminates the incentive to perform, while putting tremendous pressure on families to find suitable alternatives that are, most often, unaffordable. I will work with the Board of Education to ensure that every student has access to an education that is commensurate their academic performance.

  • Make San Francisco a great employer for teachers. As one of the wealthiest cities in the world, we need to ensure that vital jobs critical for the development of the next generation of San Franciscans are among the most desirable in the country, and that we are doing all we can as a society to attract top educators to San Francisco. I’ll propose an education tax surcharge on our wealthiest corporations that will be directly reinvested into teacher salaries to create an avenue to increase teacher pay.