Restore confidence in San Francisco by investing in public safety.

Our leaders have failed to make the streets of San Francisco a safe environment - for our families, for our businesses, and even for the people living on our streets. We need to take meaningful steps and action in order to make the streets of San Francisco safer.

  • Fully funding the Police Department. We need adequate Force levels while also investing in the training and resources necessary to ensure that our police operate with the highest degree of integrity. I believe that a fully funded Police Department plays a critical and necessary role in keeping our society safe. I will also work to pass legislation that allows law enforcement to actually pursue criminal behavior, and will do all I can to ensure that those who break the law are referred to the DA.

  • Address the staffing shortage in the police force. We need to address the retirement crisis by restoring and reforming the DROP program, while also doing whatever it takes to recruit and train full cadet classes at the police academy.

  • Invest in technology like that in Measure E. We need to get smarter about how we pursue criminals, and that includes investing in the technologies that will reduce the time from a crime being committed to a suspect being apprehended from weeks to hours.

  • Refer convicted, undocumented drug dealers to ICE. I vehemently disagree with the rhetoric suggesting that doing so is a violation of our status as a sanctuary city. I am in favor of San Francisco continuing to be a sanctuary city, and am proud of our status as one; however, it’s deplorable to use sanctuary cities as a cover for illegal behavior that is ultimately poisoning our most vulnerable citizens on the backs of honest taxpayers.

  • Implement and enforce street vending bans. The prevalence of illegal markets creates crime and further erodes our ability to keep the streets tidy, clean, and safe.