My Three-Part Plan for Affordable Housing

Establish Density Corridors

I’ll establish form-based zoning corridors (density corridors) and include revised height restrictions to create even more density in the most appropriate parts of the city. These are areas that are well-serviced by critical infrastructure (like transit) that won’t encroach into the neighborhoods that make up the character of the City.

Rezone to Revitalize

On Day 1, I’ll audit our current project approval process and identify areas where we can simplify and expedite the path from submission to construction so that we can rezone to revitalize our business corridors and underutilized real estate. I’ll focus on an expedited approval process for projects in Density Corridors and office-to-residential conversions to ensure that projects have a clear glide path to breaking ground.

Progress Over Ideology

We cannot slow the approval and construction of affordable housing units because of ideology that inhibits progress. The construction of new housing units requires partnership with the private sector; we cannot continue to hold housing hostage because of an ideological inflexibility and an unwillingness to compromise.