Progress Over Ideology

Countless projects across San Francisco - many of which were fully entitled and ready for construction to begin - have stalled due to a lack of clarity around an acceptable and approvable share of affordable housing units as a share of total units. Several Supervisors have repeatedly rejected projects that weren’t 100% affordable housing units, which makes the economics for developers particularly challenging. In order to actually make meaningful progress toward achieving our vision of dramatically increasing the affordable housing stock in San Francisco, we need to move beyond ideology and create clear standards by which we can more expeditiously approve projects. I will not hold affordable housing projects hostage because of my ideology or opinion on the “right” mix of housing units.

As Supervisor, I will be deeply committed to:

  • Establishing clear frameworks for required share of affordable housing units on a per-project basis, as dictated by total project size, total units, and whether or not a project is in a Density Corridor

  • Creating clearer lines of communication between the private sector, the Planning Department, and the Board of Supervisors to ensure that time, resources, and energy aren’t frivolously wasted

  • Materially simplifying the path toward project approval of conversions and new builds that meet City guidelines for new housing construction projects